2015 dimensions variable projected installation of tungsten and halogen lightbulbs VICT-0002

2009-2012 dimensions variable live sea monkeys projected into image of baby food jar VICT-0001

2014-2015 20 1/2 x 20 1/2 inches (52.1 x 52.1 centimeters) photo image with razor blade projection VICT-0003

2014 20 1/2 x 20 1/2 inches (52.1 x 52.1 centimeters) Long Island duck feather projection VICT-0006
Ted Victoria is primarily known for mixed media wall pieces that incorporate the use of a lens light projection system similar to the camera obscura. Victoria incases objects within a box, the reflection of which is projected onto the gallery wall or the glass frame to create "live" images. Victoria received his MFA from Rutgers University in 1970. His work is represented in the collections of Fonds National d'Art Contemporain, France; Indianapolis Museum of Art; the Forbes Collection, New York; Museum of Fine Arts, Dallas; Museo Tamayo, Mexico City; National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa; Tasa Collection, Munich; and many others.
2010 - present
2010 - present
Video: Ted Victoria, Keep Out, 2014-2015, 20 1/2 x 20 1/2 inches (52.1 x 52.1 centimeters), photo image with razor blade projection. Courtesy of the artist and Robert Miller Gallery.
KaIm, James. “Artseen: Brooklyn Dispatches”, The Brooklyn Rail, Apr.
Leffingwell, Edward. “Ted Victoria at Schroeder Romero”, Art in America, May, p. 193.
Levin, Kim. “Voice Choices”, The Village Voice, Feb 19.
Shearing, Graham. “Area Full of ‘Diverse Versions’ in Art”, The Tribune, Pittsburgh, PA, Apr 27.
Newhall, Edith. “Cue/Reproduction of 2 rms. w/view”, New York Magazine, p. 110.
Spindler, Amy. “The Sophisticated Traveler”, The New York Times Magazine, Part 2, Mar 6, p. 10.
Aletti, Vince. “Voice Choice-Review”, The Village Voice, Jun 8.
Page, Judith. “Ted Victoria-Jayne H. Baum Gallery”, ART PAPERS, Sep/Oct, p. 55.
Wooster, Ann Sargent. “Ted Victoria-Jayne H. Baum Gallery”, COVER, Sep, p. 18.
Tallmer, Jerry. “Towers and Turquoise”, New York Post, Mar 6, p. 39.
________ “Exhibits Accent High-Tech”, News Tribune, Woodbridge, NJ, Jan 28.
“Technology and Art Mix in Museum Show”, Star-Ledger, Newark, NJ, Feb 7.
Genereux, Linda. “Ted-Victoria, Lens and Light”, Eye Magazine, Oct 24.
Paris, Cynthia. “Techno-Art”, The Florida Times-Union, Jacksonville, FL.
Silver, Joanne. “Artists’ Birdhouses are Flights of Fancy”, Boston Sunday Herald, Jul 21.
Stapen, Nancy. “In the Summertime, Galleries Dare to be Different”, Boston Globe.
Kostelanetz, Richard. “Art in Motion: The Aesthetics of Technology”, The Journal of Art, Nov, p. 43.
Aletti, Vince. “Voice Choices: Apparitions”, The Village Voice, Oct 17.
Brenson, Michael. “The Drowned World: Waterworks”, The New York Times, Jun 16.
Levin, Kim. “Fascination”, The Village Voice, Apr 21, p. 71.
Trippi, Laura. “God Bless America, Part II”, On View at the New Museum, New York, NY, newsletter, p. 6.
Russell, John. “Provocative Exhibitions at Museums and Galleries that are Near New York City”, The New
York Times, Aug 5.
______ “At the Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art: Electrifying the Imagination”, The Advocate and
Greenwich Time, Greenwich, CT, Jun 19, p. D11.
McGreevy, Linda. “P.U.L.S.E.: Endlessly Fascinating, Intermittently Hilarious”, Portfolio Magazine,
Richmond, VA, April 28.
Morgan, Robert C. “The Spectacle in Time: A New Look at Art and Technology”, ARTS Magazine, NY, Oct.
______ “Le Theatre d’images de Ted Victoria”, SCENES Magazine, Switzerland, Dec.
Annas,Teresa. “Lights, Action and Camera Obscura Click at the Chrysler”, The Virginian-Pilot and The
Ledger Star, Norfolk, Feb 1.
Benci, Jacopo. “I Garbati Teatrini di Ted Victoria”, l’Unita, Milan, Oct 22.
Candia Mario. (ed.) “Scultura Cinetica e alta Tecnologia e Ted Victoria”, La Republica, Oct 10, p. 4.
Cohen, Gabriel. (ed.) “Works by Ted Victoria”, New Haven Advocate, CT, Mar 24.
Glueck, Grace. “Art: Narrative Works with a Latin Twist”, The New York Times, Apr 12.
Johnson, Brooks. “Ted Victoria”, The Chrysler Museum Bulletin, Norfolk, VA, Feb.
Levin, Kim. “New Ground, Voice Choice”, The Village Voice, Sep 24.
McDonald, Marcy. “Five Solo Shows at the Anderson Gallery”, Style Magazine, Richmond, VA, Feb 26.
McGreevy, Linda. “Tinker Toys: Not What They Seem, More than they Appear to Be”, Portfolio Magazine,
Norfolk, VA, Feb 18, p. 3.
Nilsen, Richard. “Chrysler’s Victoria Exhibit Stunning Study of Our Culture”, The Virginian-Pilot and The
Ledger Star, Norfolk, Feb 23.
“Photography Projected”, Portfolio Magazine, Norfolk, VA, Jan 1985.
Proctor, Roy. “Six Solo Exhibitions Anderson Galleries”, Richmond News Leader, VA, Feb 23.
Valverde, Franklin. “0 encontro entre a ciencia e a ficcao”, Jornal da Tarde, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Mar 10, p.
Wooster, Ann Sargent. “Ted Victoria at Light”, Art in America, NY, Feb, pp. 145-146.
______ “Video at The Kitchen”, The East Village Eye, NY, p. 46.
Zimmer, William. “Enigmatic Interiors at Noyes”, The New York Times, NY, Aug 25, p. 20.
Seidel, Mitchell. “The Marriage of Technology and Art Forms Basis for ‘Connections’ Show”, The Sunday
Star-Ledger, Newark, NJ, Mar 5, pp. 24-25.
Stewart, Laura. “Video as Art: Infant Medium Shows Potential for Expression”, The Orlando Sentinel, FL,
Style Section, pp. Dl, D6.
Watkins,Eileen. “Hi-Tech Put to Imaginative Uses”, The Sunday Star-Ledger, Newark, NJ, Apr 22.
Wooster, Ann Sargent. “Camera Obscura Projections: Ted Victoria, Voice Choice”, The Village Voice, NY,
Feb 7.
Wooster, Ann Sargent. “Video: Ted Victoria, Voice Choice”, The VilIage Voice, NY, Jul 3.
Zimmer, William. “Art for the Public with an Element of Fun”, The New York Times, NY, Jul 22.
______ “A Fusion of Science and Art at the Summit Art Center”, The New York Times, NY, Apr 22, p. 16.
______ “Connections: Science Into Art at Summer Art Center”, The Dispatch of New Providence, Berkley
Heights, NJ, Mar 24.
______ “Victoria Exhibiting Wall Pieces in NY”, The Jersey Journal, Jersey City, NJ, Jun 5.
______ “Gallery Displays ‘Science into Art”, Suburban News, May 2.
______ “Video Art Today”, The Independent Press, Apr 11, p. 19.
Haydon, Harold. “Opposites Attract in Show”, Chicago Sun Times, IL, Weekender Section, Jun 4, p. 74.
McDarrah, Fred. “Photo Alchemy, Voice Choice”, The Village Voice, NY, Oct 19.
Seidel, Mitchell. “Eclectic Exhibit Suffers from its own Diversity”, The Sunday Star Ledger, Newark, NJ,
Section 4, p. 18.
Watkins, Eileen. “2 Decades of Rutgers Masters Exhibit a Nontraditional Approach”, The Sunday Star-
Ledger, Newark, NJ, p. 14.
______ “Ted Victoria”, Gran Harper’s Bazaar, Italy, p. 108.
Wooster, Ann Sargent. “Video-Voice Choice”, The Village Voice, NY, Apr 8, p.59.
______ “Outstanding Paintings, Sculptures Go on Display at Center”, Hunterdon Review, Whitehouse
Station, NJ, May 7.
______ “La Casa di Ted”, Abitare, Italy, Mar.
“Larger than Light”, New York Magazine, NY, Apr 30.
Shirey,David L. “An All Rutgers Exhibition”, The New York Times, NY, Nov 27, p. 35.
Watkins, Eileen. “Rutgers 12’ Shows Wide Array of Styles”, The Sunday Star-Ledger, Newark, NJ, Nov 20, p. 11.
______ “Ted Victoria”, Studio Marconi, Jul 9.
Moriarty, Elizabeth. “A Different Sort of Art Exhibit”, Johnson City Press-Chronicle, Mar 23.
______ “Pensive and Fluid”, The Globe and Mail, May 15, p. 36.
Marcheski, Cork. “Heat, Light, Motion”, Arts Magazine, NY, Oct, p. 56.
Martin, D.R. “Projecting Images”, Twin Cities Express, Minneapolis, MN, p. 14.
Nixon, Virginia. “Arty Electricity”, The Gazette, May 1.
______ “L’electricite se met a table a bas voltage”, Presse Montreal, Canada, May.
______ “Up Front: Art and Technology Revisited”, Vogue, Sep 1973.
Picard, LII. “Was Gibt’s News? Nicht Viel? Sehr Viel!”, Kunstforum International, p. 173.
Coleman, A.D. “Everyone Will React Differently”, The New York Times, NY, Oct 10.
Hare, Denise. “Photography as Media”, Craft Horizons, Dec.
Lehman, Bob. “Elements and Techniques of Photography Experienced as an Artistic Medium”, Photo
Media, Nov, pp. 18-19.
______ “Unique ‘Iowa View’ at Museum”, Iowa City Press Citizen, Mar 25 p. 6B.
______ “Lens Exhibit at U of I’s Art Museum”, Des Moines Sunday Register, Apr 25.
Coleman, A.D. “Sheer Anarchy or a Step Forward”, The New York Times, NY, Apr 12.
Bunnell, Peter C. “Photography into Sculpture”, Arts Canada, Jun, pp. 27-28.
______ Arts Magazine, Sep-Oct, pp. 47-48.
Davis, Douglas. “Washington Letter”, Arts Magazine, NY, Summer.
Richard, Paul. “Sculptured Chatter”, The Washington Post, DC, Apr 26.
Rogers, Susan. “It’s Time to Separate the Sound from the Noise”, The New York Post, NY, Oct, p. 27.
______ “Hark, Hark! The Art at Heaven’s Gate Sings”, Esquire, May.
Glueck, Grace. “A Mixed Bag, Lively and Tempting”, The New York Times, NY, Apr 29.
Solo Exhibitions
Ted Victoria, Robert Miller Gallery, January 15 – February 21. New York, NY
Hidden Traces – New Projections, Schroeder Romero & Shredder, New York, NY
Is Anyone Home? (brine shrimp house installation), Charlotte & Philip Hanes Art Gallery, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC
LIVE!, Schroeder Romero & Shredder, New York, NY
Ted Victoria, The Butler Institute of American Art, Youngstown, OH
Hey... What’s Going On Here?, DFN Gallery, New York, NY
Ted Victoria/Projected Pictures, The Gallery of South Orange, South Orange, Ni
Is Anyone Home?, Center for Contemporary Photography, Kansas City, MO
Who’s Out There?, Eyewash, Brooklyn, NY
Hey... What’s Going On Here?, Islip Art Museum, Islip, NY Ted Victoria/Projected Pictures, Trollhatten Kunst, Trollhatten, Sweden
C’mon Kids...Go to School, Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art, Cleveland, OH
ZAO, New York, NY (installation)
Galerie Bonnier, Geneva, Switzerland
Expose sur Ia Table, Alexandre de Folin Gallery, New York, NY
2 Rms. WI View, Still Lifes and Interiors, Jayne H. Baum Gallery, New York, NY
Camera Obscura Projection Boxes and a New Installation Project: The Family Room, Jayne H. Baum Gallery, New York, NY
New Jersey State Museum, Trenton, NJ
Gallery Moos, Toronto, Canada
Fine Arts Gallery, Long Island University, Southampton Campus, Long Island, NY
Julian Pretto Gallery, New York, NY
God Bless America: Part 2, New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, NY (window installation)
Ted Victoria: Opere di Luce, Fortuny Museum, Venice, Italy Galerie Bonnier, Geneva, Switzerland
Julian Pretto Gallery, New York, NY
Thurn und Taxis, Castle Exhibition, Regensburg, Germany Wallace/Wentworth Gallery, Washington, DC
Ted Victoria, The Chrysler Museum, Norfolk, VA
Ted Victoria: Projected Pictures, Sala 1, Rome, Italy
Ted Victoria: Video and Projected Images, Gallery Jazz, New Haven, CT
Centro Cultural Costarricense Norte-Americano, San Jose, Costa Rica
Anderson Gallery, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
The Clocktower, New York, NY
Anderson Gallery, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
P.S. 1, Long Island City, NY
Light Gallery, New York, NY
Ted Victoria, Dobrick Gallery, Chicago, IL
Light Gallery, New York, NY
National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, Canada (room installation)
The Electric Gallery, Toronto, Canada
O.K. Harris Gallery, New York, NY
University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI
Galerie Bonnier, Geneva, Switzerland
112 Greene Street, New York, NY
Slocumb Gallery, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN
The Electric Gallery, Toronto, Canada
O.K. Harris Gallery, New York, NY
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
Douglass College, New Brunswick, NJ
Loeb Student Center, New York University, New York, NY
Selected Public Collections
Fonds National d’Art Contemporain, Puteaux, France
The Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis, IN
Malcolm Forbes Collection, New York, NY
Miami Dade Community College, Miami, FL
Museum of Fine Arts, Dallas, TX
Museo Tamayo, Mexico City, Mexico
The National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa
Peco Industries, King of Prussia, PA
Pfizer Corporation, New York, NY
Tasa Collection, Munich, Germany
Thurn und Taxis, Regensberg, Germany
University of Iowa, Iowa City
Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, CT
Ben-Haim, Tsipi. Artists Love NY. Marine Midland Bank, 1992.
Cate, Phillip Dennis and Jeffrey Wecshler. A Response to the Environment. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Art Gallery, 1975.
Chambers, Bruce. Energy Into Art: Technological Art in America 1969-1978. Rochester: Memorial Art Gallery, University of Rochester, 1978.
Duttmann, Werner. New York-Downtown Manhattan: SoHo. Berlin: Akademie der Kunst, 1976.
Finkelpearl, Tom. Fountain Pen: Some Visions of Water. Long Island City: Institute for Contemporary Art, P.S. 1 Gallery, 1989.
Friedman, Martin. The Floating Picture Plane. Minneapolis: Walker Art Center, 1974.
From Electrical Fire Spirits May be Kindled. Vancouver: Vancouver Art Gallery, 1977.
Galloway, David. Artware/Kunst Und Elektronik. Frankfurt: Econ, 1988.
Goheen, E. Projections. Kansas City: Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, 1976.
Goodyear, John. The Gun Show. New Brunswick: Douglass College, 1968.
Harris, Bob. New Image Making Technology in the Arts. Orlando: Valencia Community College, 1984.
Holubizky, Ihor. Atlas. Ontario: Hamiilton Art Gallery, 1991.
Kachur, Lewis. Ted Victoria. Trenton: New Jersey State Museum, 1992.
Kern,George. Dance: Art Objects from Area Collections. Trenton: New Jersey State Museum, 1984.
Kuspit, Donald. Rutgers Master of Fine Arts 20th Anniversary Exhibition. Trenton: New Jersey State Museum, 1982.
Litwak, Silvia. El Arte Narrativo: Pintura Narrativa Mexicana. Mexico City, Mexico, 1984.
Lovejoy, Margot. Luminosity. New York: Alternative Museum, 1986.
McClintic, Miranda. Interaction, Light, Sound, and Motion. Ridgefield: Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, 1988.
Miller, Marc. Television’s Impact on Contemporary Art. Queens: Queens Museum, 1986.
Painting and Sculpture Today, 1976. Indianapolis: The Indianapolis Museum of Art, 1976.
Panicelli, Ida. The Absurd in 3-D. Rome, Italy, 1986.
Pierotti, Ray. Sound. Washington, D.C.: Museum of Contemporary Crafts, 1969.
Sculpture Potsdam ‘77. Potsdam: State University, 1977.
Ted Victoria. Geneva: Galerie Bonnier, 1991.
Truxes, Roseanne M. Ted Victoria. Johnson City, East Tennessee State University, 1975.
Twelve From Rutgers. New Brunswick: Art Gallery at Voorhees Hall, 1977.
Weld, Alison. Contemporary Syntax: Light and Density. Newark: Robeson Center Gallery, 1987.
Wood, Carolyn. Art of the Space Era. Huntsville: Huntsville Museum of Art, 1977.
Wooster, Ann Sargent. Ted Victoria, Venice: Museo Fortuny, 1988.
Young, Amy. P.U.L.S.E.: People Using Light, Sound and Energy. Wichita: Edwin A. Ulrich Museum of Art, 1992.